About Us

The whole World is Connected with network wired or wireless machines. It is obvious that a machine must be updated from time to time as technology changes or upgrades. Sometimes operating systems need to be updated or sometimes firmware needs to be updated. Our main aim of offers guidance to customers to update their devices as per IEEE guidelines.
- We Deal With Repeater maintenance services
- We Deal with network routers and repeater service.
- We Deal with peripheral service like router/hubs/printers etc.
What to do ,if repeater doesn't work?
The repeater is among the most significant telecommunications instruments whose purpose is to receive and regenerate a network signal. Repeaters are often used to enhance the broadcast such that the transmission can reach longer distances or be processed on the other side of the barrier.
When a user face any issue regarding repeater like how to setup repeater, how to configure repeater or how to install repeater, we suggest them to access a portal like http://www.myrepeater.net,if they are techie, they can access and setup at their own otherwise they need to call support portal of the service provider or hire any local guy for this.
Sometimes It happens when we bought new repeaters,as a non-technical Person, we face lots of issues, and sometimes we get irritated.Because repeater management passes through different stages like installation of the new repeater, set up and configure new repeater.If you can't connect with your repeater, then how will you connect to the repeater management page,as to connect with the repeater management page we need to login through the web portal that is http://myrepeater.net.
The solution at the first stage to be sure to connect your brand new router with the network by the given IP address by entering the address in the Address bar of the browser, it could be IExplore, Mozilla, Chrome, Edge, etc
- In order to login into the repeater management ,need to enter the IP address which must be provided by the device manufacturer in manual of the device
- We need to login using repeaters IP address to see how many devices are connected with repeaters ,it may could be neighbours device,if you have pubic ip address
- We need to convert public IP to private IP,if still the problem is same ,then we can reset the device by pressing reset button
- If All the above said process or steps didn't provided you any solutions,the its adviced to call expert technician to solve issue.
My Network Devices
Our aims to provide expert opinion regarding repeaters,regarding their models and compatibility installation,configuration , setup and login issues.
A108 Adam Street
New York, NY 535022
+1 5589 55488 55